Pre-consultation on Network Rail applications for footpath closures / diversions is paused

The consultation has been paused due to an issue with the paperwork submitted by Network Rail. Maps submitted to Hampshire County Council may not be correct and there are clarifications on some other aspects of the detail.

The pre-consultation paperwork will be re-issued to all stakeholders and anyone who has already provided feedback and will re-start shortly. Details will be shared here and via Binsted / Bentley Parish councils.

Network Rail application to extinguish and divert footpaths

Update on 31/01/2023: The consultation has been paused due to an issue with the paperwork submitted by Network Rail. It will be re-issued and re-started shortly.

Network Rail have commenced the plan they described with applications to Hampshire County Council to extinguish the Buckthorne Oak crossing and divert the Alice Holt crossing (at Bentley Station) over a new footbridge.

Continue reading “Network Rail application to extinguish and divert footpaths”

Updated Project Outline and Narrative Risk Assessments

Network Rail have provided a copy of the updated project proposal shown at the 2nd public consultation meeting and Narrative Risk Assessments for both crossings.

Narrative Risk Assessments are detailed documents maintained by Network Rail for each level crossing in the country describing the risks, mitigations and alternatives.

All the documents are available on the Key Documents & Links page.

Alton Herald: “Relative of crossing victim demands safety measures”

The Alton Herald have published an article online “Relative of crossing victim demands safety measures” which also appeared in the 18th November print edition under the heading “Safety can’t be left to chance”.

In the article a quote states Alice Holt crossing is “designated as one of the top 10 most dangerous in the whole of the UK”. This is not correct.

Network Rail publishes their risk assessments online, most recently in April 2021. Of the 6180 crossings in the UK, their data shows 659 crossings that are more dangerous than Alice Holt for people crossing. Considering ‘all users’ (including those on trains) there are 257 more dangerous. There are 62 other crossings with exactly the same risk ‘score’ as Alice Holt.